

Peer reviewed Articles

  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G.  AnnoSys2: Reaching out to the Semantic Web. In: Alsayed Algergawy, Naouel Karam, Friederike Klan, Clement Jonquet. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BioDiv 2017). S4BioDiv: International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity, Oct 2017, Vienna, Austria. Ceur-1933, CEUR, 2017.
  • L. Suhrbier, W.-H. Kusber, O. Tschöpe, A. Güntsch, W. G. Berendsohn, AnnoSys—implementation of a generic annotation system for schema-based data using the example of biodiversity collection data, Database, Volume 2017, 2017, bax018,
  • Tschöpe, O., Macklin, J.A., Morris, R.A., Suhrbier, L. and Berendsohn, W.G. (2013), Annotating biodiversity data via the Internet. Taxon, 62: 1248-1258. doi:10.12705/626.4

AnnoSys User Guide

  • Tschöpe, O., Kusber W.-H. & Suhrbier L. 2015: AnnoSys User Guide. Version 1.4 published on 30 June 2015; BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
    pdf, 3.0 MB
  • Tschöpe, O., Kusber, W.-H. & Suhrbier, L. 2014: AnnoSys User Guide  [Version 1.3 (2014-12-19)] (pdf)

Non peer reviewed Articles

  • Kusber, W.-H., Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Gennrich, S., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2015: AnnoSys: Annotationen als Evaluationswerkzeug für die Nutzung virtueller Belegdaten in der Umweltforschung. - Pp. 216-221 in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2014 (Magdeburg), Hardegsen 2015. pdf
  • Kusber, W.-H., Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2015: AnnoSys - Virtuelle Belegdaten revidieren - Neue Möglichkeiten für Taxonomie und Sammlungskuration. GfBS Newsletter 30: 9-11. pdf

Conference Contributions

  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O., Berendsohn, W.G., Güntsch, A. 2017: AnnoSys—Future Developments. Conference Abstract, Proceedings of TDWG 1: e20317; DOI: 10.3897/tdwgproceedings.1.20317 
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, S., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. 2017: AnnoSys—An Online Tool for Sharing Annotations to Enhance Data Quality. Conference Abstract, Proceedings of TDWG 1: e20315; DOI: 10.3897/tdwgproceedings.1.20315
  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O., Berendsohn, W.G., Güntsch, A. 2017: Integrating AnnoSys in your Specimen Data Portal. Conference Abstract, Proceedings of TDWG 1: e20313. DOI: 10.3897/tdwgproceedings.1.20313
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, S., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. 2016: „Annotating Scientific Collection data using AnnoSys – A Generic Online Annotation System and Repository” [Poster]. TDWG 2016 Annual Conference in Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica.
  • Berendsohn, W.G., Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. 2016. „AnnoSys – Improving Data Quality by annotating virtual Specimens.” TDWG 2016 Annual Conference in Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica.
  • Kusber, W.-H. 2016: "Unsere Kenntnis der Planktonalgen: Konzepte zum Umgang mit Informationen aus Nomenklatur, Taxonomie und Bestimmungspraxis in der Biodiversitätsinformatik" - [Talk]. - 07.11.2016, Workshop "Neue Erkenntnisse zur Taxonomie des Phytoplanktons und Beurteilung ihrer Relevanz für Bewertungsverfahren nach EU-WRRL", IGB Berlin.
  • Berendsohn, W. G., Suhrbier, L., Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A.: AnnoSys—A generic online annotation system for scientific collections [Poster]. - In: Quaisser, C., Giere, P., Häffner, E., Rahemipour, P., Schwarz, D. & Voss, M. (ed.) 2016: 2016 SPNHC conference. 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, June 20-25, 2016, Berlin, Germany. - Berlin, 2016, P. 86. doi:
  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O., Kusber, W.-H., Schröder, G., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W. G. 2016: AnnoSys—A generic online annotation system for scientific collections [Poster]. - SPNHC 2016 in Berlin.
  • Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G., Jahn, R. 2016: Biodiversity Information for Diatom Research: AnnoSys, BioCASE, GBIF, and name registration. - [Talk]. P. 24 in: 10th Central European Diatom Meeting. 20-23 April 2016 Budapest, Hungary. Abstract & Program Book. Budapest - 2016. pdf
  • Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. & Jahn, R. 2016: Biodiversity information for phycological research: AnnoSys, GBIF, BioCASe, and name registration. P. 38 in: Gilbert, M. & Wilhelm C. (ed.): Program of the 16th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society, 6th-9th March 2016, Leipzig.
  • Suhrbier, L., Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W. 2015: A Generic Online Annotation Management System and Repository for Sustainable Collection Data. P. 80 in: Abarca , N. & Jahn, R. (ed.): IUBS 2015 - Frontiers in Unified Biology. Abstracts and Program. Berlin. pdf
  • Suhrbier, L.; Kusber, W.-H.; Güntsch, A.; Berendsohn, W. 2015: AnnoSys—A sustainable Annotation Management System and Repository for Collection Data [Poster]. - In: TDWG 2015 Annual Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. - 2015, no. 801.
  • Suhrbier, L.; Kusber, W.-H.; Güntsch, A.; Berendsohn, W. 2015: AnnoSys – A generic online annotation system faces new challenges. [Talk] - In: TDWG 2015 Annual Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. - 2015, no.802.
  • Kusber, W.-H. Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G. 2015: AnnoSys – Annotationsystem und -Repositorium unterstützen die Verwaltung und Pflege von Sammlungs- und Multimediadaten in: Konferenz Langzeitzugriff auf Samlungs- und Multimediadaten, 24.-26. Juni 2015. Abstracts. Berlin. - 2015, p. 9.
  • Berendsohn, W.G., Suhrbier, L., Gennrich, S., Tschöpe, O., Kusber, W.-H., Güntsch, A. 2014: "AnnoSys: Annotations as Data Quality Tool for Virtual Specimen Data" Poster. 27.-31.10. TDWG 2014 Annual Conference in Jönköping, Sweden.
  • Kusber, W.-H., Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Gennrich, S., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W. G. 2014: AnnoSys: Annotationen als Evaluationswerkzeug für die Nutzung virtueller Belegdaten in der Umweltforschung [Poster]. 29.9.-2.10. , 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Magdeburg.
  • Röpert, D. 2014: Annotations, http-URI’s or how to handle data from different institutions. [Talk]. 18.9., DINA Technical Workshop, 16-18 September 2014, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm.
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2014: AnnoSys—an online tool to annotate biodiversity [Demo]. SPNHC 29 th annual meeting. 22.-27. June 2014, Cardiff. Abstract book p. 68.
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2014: AnnoSys —a generic annotation system [Talk]. 3rd Annual Open Up! Meeting. 20.-21. February 2014, Bratislava. pdf
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2013: Annotating Biodiversity Data—the AnnoSys Approach. Workshop for German curators, collection digitisation and -networking. Berlin, November 4- 5 2013.
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2013: Annotating Biodiversity Data—the AnnoSys Approach [Talk]. 43. TDWG 2013 Annual Conference. October 28 - November 1, 2013, Florence.
  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2013: Hands on AnnoSys - Managing Annotations online [Workshop]. 43. TDWG 2013 Annual Conference. October 28 - November 1, 2013, Florence.
  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O., 2013: Enhancing Data Quality using AnnoSys – An Annotation System for Biodiversity Data [Poster]. TDWG 2013 Annual Conference. October 28 - November 1, 2013, Florence.
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2013: Annotating Biodiversity Data—the AnnoSys Approach [Talk]. 43. GfÖ-Conference. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 43: 327-328.
  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2013: Showcase AnnoSys—A generic annotation system for biodiversity data. – Open Annotation Data Model Rollout, June 24, 2013, Manchester.
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2013: “AnnoSys: A generic annotation system for biodiversity data”. – BioSys. EU 2013 Global Systematics! February 18-22, 2013, Vienna, Austria. Abstract Volume p. 219-220. (pdf)
  • Suhrbier, L., Tschöpe, O.,  Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2012: “AnnoSys: A generic annotation system for biodiversity data”. - Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), TDWG Annual Conference, Bejing, China, October 22-26, 2012. (pdf)
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2012: “A generic annotation system for biodiversity data”. - GEFD Tagung, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Flora Deutschlands e. V.,  October 19-21  2012, Berlin, Germany.
  • Tschöpe, O., Suhrbier, L., Güntsch, A. & Berendsohn, W.G. 2012: “AnnoSys: A generic annotation system for biodiversity data”. Talk & Poster – "GBIF European Regional Nodes Meeting 2012“, March 27-29, Berlin.
  • Berendsohn, W. 2013: „Ein generisches Annotationssystem für Biodiversitätsdaten, DFG LIS-Programm“. GBIF-D meeting in Munich, September 29, 2011.
  • Güntsch, A. 2011: Presentation at the GBIF‐D IT‐commission meeting on September 23, 2011, Berlin, minutes under:
  • Kusber, W.-H. 2011: Talk at the 1. GBIF-D Citizen Science workshop in Berlin on 01.12.2011: “Datenqualität, Datenbehandlung, Datenauswahl”,

About AnnoSys

  • Presentation of AnnoSys to the participants of the project-related working group meeting of the DFG-StanDAP-Herb projects in Berlin - June 2017 (W.G. Berendsohn)
  • Mention of AnnoSys in iDigBio Research Highlight January 2017
  • Presentation of AnnoSys to the participants of the World Flora Online Council Meeting in Pretoria, South Africa - November 2016 (W.G. Berendsohn).
  • Presentation of AnnoSys to the participants of the workshop „Zielgruppenorientierte Sammlungsdokumentation – Datenbanken und ihre Vernetzung“, Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Botanischen Gärten in Berlin, 22. - 25. September 2016
  • Lightning talk at the 8th European GBIF Nodes Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, 19-21 April 2016
  • Lightning talk at the 6th European GBIF Nodes Meeting in Brüssel, 8-10 April 2014
  • GBits: 40. newsletter of the GBIF secretary (pdf) p. 7
  • GBits: 32. newsletter of the GBIF secretary (pdf) p. 4
  • Newsletter 2014_02 of the BGBM Berlin (in German)
  • Newsletter 2014_05 of the BGBM Berlin (in German)
  • Presentation of AnnoSys to the participants of the Global Plants Initiative (GPI) meeting in Madrid, January 2012, and dissemination of a questionnaire about curatorial workflows in herbaria; presentation of results at the GPI meeting in Panama City, January 2013 (W. Berendsohn).
  • 16.06.2017